
Rao's Homemade: Online Video + OOH

Rao’s Homemade arrived where it is thanks to people talking about it. It’s true of the 100-year-old Harlem restaurant that inspired it, and it’s true of the sauce. People just can’t keep their love of Rao’s Homemade to themselves. They have to let the world know how delicious it is, so they turn to the internet to sing our praises. We enlisted the help of opera singer (and Rao's New York regular) Michael Amante to bring online reviews of Rao’s Homemade to life in the parlance of our times: Internet slang lol.

Longform Online Video Content:

Six-Second Bumpers: 

Social Video Content: 

Out of Home: 

Raos NY37 Photo 3-min (2).jpg

